Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I am so far behind.....

Well I figure one of these days I will be caught up again. Now sure when that will be but one of these days. There are still so many things and projects that I want to do! Maybe this Summer (or after this long term sub position) I will make a list and to one thing after another. Maybe that will keep me motivated. Who knows :) I think that I've decided that I need to learn to sew and soon. There are so many cute things that I want to make and everytime I think to myself "but I'd have to make mom do that part" pathetic..... :) It's time to be big girl and figure it out!!! But moving on from that here is what has happen since we were last together....

I spent Valentine's Day with my beautiful babies I heart them so much!

My little man turned FOUR. I was not ready for that but it happened anyway!! He makes me smile everyday and I am so blessed!

Ean wanted a blue, monster truck, ice cream cake and this time I found an idea an went for it! I usually don't even attempt to make anything for something special because that is when it would mess up. So this time I decided to go simple and accomplish what I needed to. The bottom is a layer of ice cream sandwhiches, then a layer of spray whip cream. Then another layer of sandwhiches and more whip cream. I sprayed some blue food spray from the cake isle at Wal-Mart and then used choc chips for the "dirt" road. Then just stuck the monster truck on and put it back in the freezer! Like I said it was nothing fancy but he was happy with it and that is all that mattered to me! Oh and it was pretty good!

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