Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I am so far behind.....

Well I figure one of these days I will be caught up again. Now sure when that will be but one of these days. There are still so many things and projects that I want to do! Maybe this Summer (or after this long term sub position) I will make a list and to one thing after another. Maybe that will keep me motivated. Who knows :) I think that I've decided that I need to learn to sew and soon. There are so many cute things that I want to make and everytime I think to myself "but I'd have to make mom do that part" pathetic..... :) It's time to be big girl and figure it out!!! But moving on from that here is what has happen since we were last together....

I spent Valentine's Day with my beautiful babies I heart them so much!

My little man turned FOUR. I was not ready for that but it happened anyway!! He makes me smile everyday and I am so blessed!

Ean wanted a blue, monster truck, ice cream cake and this time I found an idea an went for it! I usually don't even attempt to make anything for something special because that is when it would mess up. So this time I decided to go simple and accomplish what I needed to. The bottom is a layer of ice cream sandwhiches, then a layer of spray whip cream. Then another layer of sandwhiches and more whip cream. I sprayed some blue food spray from the cake isle at Wal-Mart and then used choc chips for the "dirt" road. Then just stuck the monster truck on and put it back in the freezer! Like I said it was nothing fancy but he was happy with it and that is all that mattered to me! Oh and it was pretty good!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Need To Be A Busy Bee.....

SO I have been trying to create a project every couple of days or so. And I have been doing really good! Things got put on hold a little because Tori had surgery. She is feeling pretty good for the most part so I trying to get going again. That has proven to be a little difficult with a two-year-old plastered to me but I will work while she's sleeping (If I'm not sleeping).

 I have one project that I REALLY want to get accomplished but the weather messed me up a little on that one so I am waiting.  Hope get it done in the next few days! I can't wait to show you! But anyway, here is what I HAVE accomplished since I last posted.

Look forward to seeing you soon!!! Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New year......

Here is my first project of the new year. I promise that you will see many many more and hope that you enjoy them as much as I do. This fabric tutu turned out adorable and of course Tori didn't want to take it off!

Unfortunatly we had a bad spell of the flu over Christmas break. I think that we are finally past it. But we also had a case of the loose teeth. Jayden lost one and has one more to come out and Chase lost two. All they cared about was the tooth fairy!

Here are a few pictures from Christmas in our little nest. I just love my star filter if you haven't noticed. I shot these photos on Christmas Eve right after all the children were tucked away in their beds. 

Hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 19, 2011

First Christmas Craft.....

Making ornaments out of a scrabble game. First, I collected the names and place them on the bars to see what fit the best. Then, I had Charles saw them at my marks. The edges were a little rough and I did not have sandpaper so I went outside and used my sidewalk to smooth them up real quick :) I simply used wood glue and glue the ribbon behind the center letters. Now we all have our personal ornaments for this year and the kids love to find their names on the tree! So simple and easy!

SO I am in LOVE with pinterest. If  you are on pinterest then you know exactly what I am talking about. There are so many amazing things that strike your interest and so many things that I want to accomplish now. Maybe in the end possibly selling some of my creations. There are a lot of dreams that I have for my photography career and a lot of ways that I would like to things go. However, God's plans are not always the same as our plans so while I am learning my patience, I am spending my time being creative! I look forward to sharing everything with you!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Get Crafty for Christmas......

It's that time again, time to start working on Christmas presents and crafts. I am looking forward to creating and making crafts with the kids over Christmas break. Hopefully we can accomplish some of the things that I want to. I am looking forward to making things that are new and creative projects. I have a few that will be gifts but most of them will just be fun bonding time with the kids. We may do some baking this year also. My new goal this year is to become an expert wrapper. I have the hardest time wrapping presents nicely, so I am going to try my hardest to master that. I hope to have projects to show you very soon! Merry CHRISTmas and God Bless.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Showered with love....

So the Meet & Greet for Phillip, Amber & Andrew was a success! I had so much fun working on the projects that I was kind of sad to give them away. But they loved them so much so I am going to share them with you!

This is a poem that I wrote for them. I LOVE writing poems and have since I was little. I am so glad that I am able to bless others with this gift. 

 Dixi cup lanterns were a hit. They were more time consuming than I thought they would be but it was well worth it! This is a strand of 20 lights and I'm glad that I didn't buy one with 50 :)

 The canvas was probably my most challenging project because it did not come out as I planned. However I do like the outcome :)

This letter A was my favorite project. Yes, they are real crayons.
Hope you enjoyed these projects! There WILL be more to come! See ya soon!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Babies, babies and babies

I helped with a baby shower with Ashley a couple of months ago for Kelley and I had so much fun making the decorations. Instead of making something that would just be tossed in the trash, I decided to put a little heart into it. I had a blast! So now I am doing Phillip and Amber's meet & greet Sunday and am working hard on my projects :) I will post pictures after they see them Sunday. I love the way they are turning out. Below are a few of the things that I made for Kelley's shower. I've decided, I kinda like this "shower thing"!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Here we go!

I am starting this blog as more of a creative outlet than anything else. I will use this place to post pictures of things that I've made, poetry, some photography, couponing and so on. Sometimes just to place my thoughts on screen and out of my head. You never know what you'll get! I would love for people to follow my blog and to keep me motivated. Who knows how long this will last because let's face it, I really don't need "one more thing" But I think I will enjoy it. So here goes and enjoy!